eViolin projects and achievements

To ensure interoperability between EV charging solutions and services, eViolin working groups and operational meetings tackle several challenges and propose practical solutions. Agreements are documented in technical guidelines, protocols or position papers for use by our members.

Some working groups are more active than others, depending on the identified needs, urgency and time investment. New topics for working groups can be proposed when a need arises, and existing working groups cease their activity when their tasks are completed.

eViolin addresses the following issues

Operational efficiency

Making sure daily operation of EV charging and roaming between networks runs smoothly. Improving the exchange of information between e-mobility service providers and charge point operators.

Home charging compensation

Researching how employers can give home charging allowances to their staff with a company EV. Developing practical solutions for reimbursing the costs of charging the company car at home.

POI data

Managing static and dynamic charging station data in practice e.g. operator visibility, info in navigation systems about charging stations with restrictions, sharing data to national access points.


Improving security throughout the charging infrastructure chain and making charging safer. Testing new approaches in concrete pilot setups and, if successful, roll them out among eViolin members.


Having a critical look at all privacy aspects in the EV charging value chain. Developing roles and responsibilities for different stakeholders to guarantee EV driver privacy in (roaming) contracts.

Want to contribute to and benefit from better EV charging interoperability?